Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 01:12:35 107 views
If you haven't previously edited whitelist.cfg, open it and add:
"add" "materials/materials/..."
"add" "materials/models/..."
beneath the line that reads:
// Additional files/directories to allow
Open up pak01_dir.vpk in Notepad++ (Not normal Notepad.)
Change the -first- line (there are two similar lines.) from:
$baseTexture "models\survivors\teenangst\zoey_color"
$baseTexture "models\survivors\teenangst\zoey_color_cob"
Create the following directory if it isn't made. Place the extracted files in:
Studded Belt
Black Fingernails
Shoes Re-colored
Brighter Belt-Buckle
Children of Bodom Hoodie
Pants Re-textured/tears added
Any feedback is welcomed. The skin may be posted on other websites if credit is given to me.
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