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Alt Zoey

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 16:02:33
  • Alt Zoey Skin screenshot
  • Alt Zoey Skin screenshot

This is a re-texture of zoey, giving her an alternate civilian-type look. I made this in response to the need for believable skins for the characters background. This skin was aimed to do just that, and I hope you enjoy it.

Overall changes -Green Sweater -Faded Jeans -Slightly darker skin -Slightly darker hair -White undershirt -Dirt/blood splatter for effect


Copy/paste the .cfg file provided into your left 4 dead directory if you haven't received it from another skin download yet. Unzip contents wherever you want. Place folder "teenangst" in: ...left4dead\materials\models\survivors. If you don't already have a Survivors folder, create one

Copy the .vpk file and paste it into your left4dead directory.

*Note: Make back ups of your originals, in case you want to switch back!

Using with other skins

If you wish to use this skin with skins you already have for Left 4 Dead, you will need Notepad++.

**DO NOT replace your original .vpk file with the one provided, you are going to be editing your own.

Using Notepad++, go into your Left4dead directory and open "pak01_dir.vpk". Hit CTRL+F and in the box, type "zoey_color" add 2 (zoey_color2) Hit CTRL+F and in the box, type "zoey_hair" add 2 (zoey_hair2) Hit CTRL+F and in the box, type "zoey_head" add 2 (zoey_head2) and save.
