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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-28 10:39:11
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot
  • P90 TRIGON for SMG1 Skin screenshot

P90 Trigon -> HL2 SMG1

Origin from CSGO. Animation are from other guy, not Valve default. Or it could be Valve old animation, who knows.

Clipsize modified to 50, it have custom crosshair and item icon. Can be use on smod too, just change smg.txt to weapon_custom ( default is weapon_custom13 )

The only sucks thing is world model didnt work too well, so i replace with smod P90, which is good enough cause those combine wouldnt spend time to paint their gun anywey... Oh, uh, i also tone the color a little darker, but there are other 2 version, one is origin, and one with white, your choice.

Custom crosshair might not work if you have smod and set crosshair style -> 2. Set it back to one. This crosshair can be use on all other weapon just open the smg1.txt then scroll down to "crosshair" part which

contain file, x, y, and stuff, copy and paste to other weapon txt.

One more thing, open the console while ingame, type npc_create crossbow_bolt then step on the bolt, magic will happen. npc_create npc_grenade_frag , it wouldnt explode unless get trigger by other explosion, or chainlightning so far ( can be launch by this gun )

npc_create work on most of available entity name.

If use in smod, lightning bolt and iron sight would work perfectly. Custom lightning sound are from dota2.
