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BWMC Desert Marpat

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 11:46:42
  • BWMC Desert Marpat Skin screenshot
  • BWMC Desert Marpat Skin screenshot
  • BWMC Desert Marpat Skin screenshot
  • BWMC Desert Marpat Skin screenshot
  • BWMC Desert Marpat Skin screenshot

Well, after the horrible fail that was my metroskin, I decided to create another skin of a Combine Soldier that in turn would resemble a Black Water Mercenary(Kinda sorta). Now, the first thing you may be noticing is that I did nothing to the upper half of the arms or head( Except BlackWater emblem). The reason for that was that I personally thought that the skin looked better that way( I tried changing it earlier and it was flat out repulsive). So, I'm hoping you guys will like this one more. (The skin appears bright because of the map, it's a desert though so I used it).

So, I hope you'll like this one more.
