Добавил: The DSystem 2016-10-29 14:16:06 152 views This is a Hyper_Blaster convertion of the Quake 2 Hyper_Blaster.
Converter: It´se meee HorusHeresey
Why have I done this??? Well...The Gauss looks like "&§&)$(/ !!!!!!!
So I´ve converted the Hyper_Blaster from Q2 in HL.
It is my first weapon model.
The Installation:
extract the *.mdl in the \valve\model direcory
The Zip file contains following files:
v_gauss.mdl (the model you see in front of you when the weapon selected).
w_gauss.mdl & w_gausst.mdl (the world model you run over to pick up).
p_gauss.mdl (the model the player model holds)
w_gaussammo.mdl & _gaussammot.mdl (the ammo from the HB)
hyper_blaster.txt (this file)
contact me:
so cya all in HELL!!! *g*
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