| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-11-01 14:18:08 211 views <-- This model was created by Ixnay -- Ixnay@gmx.ch --- http://www.matze.privat.ms -->
about it:
Yeah, you know him, it's Kenny from Southpark !!!
First I wanted to make a Kenny Playermodel but doing all the animations pissed me off, I'm no animator !!! So I decided to make a satchel weaponreplacement, a very explosiv Kennydoll with dynamite in it :) So install it and start killing people with Kenny, well Kenny dies too, but he always dies, so it's not important. Please don't scream "Oh my god I killed Kenny" when you push the button that doesn't makes him alive :) Just pull out the next Kennydoll and kill another dumb Player, hehe.
I hope you have fun with it, mail me if you have.
Well first I made this Kenny Playermodel with many Polygones, too much for a weaponreplacement, so I made some changes, reduced the Triangles -> now there are exactly 500, meshed the skin (sorry it's very bad, but I'm no original skinner :), added a pricesign for the explosivesign and redone all of it's aniamtions to fit to the Kennydoll.
E-Mail: Ixnay@gmx.ch
ICQ: 46063330
Homepage: http://www.matze.privat.ms
TF2Models: http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models (will start buisnes in some time, but I still search some Modelreviewer, another Webmaster, a Tutorial- and a FAQmaker)
Just unzip all mdl-files into your Half-Life\valve\models directory and run the game, if you want to use it in normal Half-Life Single and or Multiplayer.
--+ Half-Life --+
+-- valve --+
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You can burn this files on CD or copy them, if you want. But you have to include this text-
file and the www.matze.privat.ms URL.
If you want to know if you can use it in a mod, YES ! but give me credits and contact me !!!
Special thanx to Bamphalas from Coldfusion for the review and uploading it to fileplanet
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