Добавил: The DSystem 2016-11-20 17:06:05 127 views Flash Light
This zip file should contain the following Files:
1. v_crowbar.mdl
2. w_crowbar.mdl
3. w_crowbart.mdl
4. p_crowbar.mdl
5. Flash Light.txt (please do not edit text file in any way)
UnZip the p_crowbar.mdl, w_crobar.mdl, w_crowbart.mdl, v_crowbar into
the Valve/Models folder. C:/Sierra/Half-Life/Valve/Models
DO NOT unzip files into the PLAYERS folder
If Flash light not wanted just simply delete the p_crowbar, w_crowbar
ans v_crowbar from your Valve/Models folder (This will not delete the
original crowbar, only return to the orginal)
**Model Statistics:**
v_weapon (v_crowbar) p and w_weapon (p or w_crowbar)
Vertices: 324 Vertices: 50
Triangles: 538 Triangles: 96
Groups: 6 Groups: 1
Materials: 6 Materials: 1
Joints: 11 Joints: 12
Smothing Groups: 1 Smoothing Groups: 1
Mins: -9.82 45.99 0.95 Mins: -12.98 30.87 8.44
Maxs: -2.93 67.43 14.19 Maxs: -8.16 35.81 28.47
Center: -6.37 56.71 7.57 Center: -10.57 33.34 18.45
File Size: 57K File Sizes: p_crowbar (21.1KB)
w_crowbar (3.21KB)
Model Creator: Strike-Force
Model Skinner: Strike-Force
I only wanted to include the v_weapon model. I created the flash light
because I wanted to use the flash light instead of the crowbar and If
you replace the w and p models everyone I played online would be
holding a fash-Light too. So, thats the reason for that, but, then I
decided to include it so Cold Fusion would count off points. Another
thing, I submitted this model so that is was from Half-Life: Alliances.
I thought that if I submitted it from the Hl: Aliances team that maybe
the mod would get more publicity. PLease note that this is my first real
attempt at a model. I started out as a skinner and a web master but
know I can do a bit of modeling and some work with sounds. I wanted to
include this in the mod, but I'd rather have it up at Could Fusion. I
can't promise that it will be up there, but hopefully thats where you
got this model.
If you are interested in helping out (Mappers needed) in our
mod (Half-Life: AlLiances) please contact one of the following people:
E-mail: UnCons@crosswinds.net
Icq: 1959976
Strike-Force (ME)
E-mail: dgx_strikeforce@hotmail.com
Icq: 64709313
or visit these websites for aditonal information:
Http://go.to/hlAlliances (Offical Half-Life: Alliances webpage)
http://www.crosswinds.net/~hlundground/hlUnderGround.htm (my site)
Please do not use this model with out my permission.
Use the Contacts listed above to contact me about useing this model..
Remodeling or skinning may be done ONLY if my permissoin is granted
and the person that remodeled or skined it can NOT take full
credit for the masterpice (and it better be)
If you want to know anything about the mod or my site, please
post something in my Forums and I am sure to get back to you as
soon as I can.
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