| Добавил: The DSystem 2015-12-30 01:18:44 145 views
This is System Shock 2 S.H.O.D.A.N. avatar form. It's low poly, 'cos I made only a low poly models, plus I wanted to be an exact replica of the original. So I decompiled it directly from SS2 and transfered it to Milkshape (it was hard, but...), then edited it a lot and... voala.
Attention yesterdays born posters and so called "critics" !
If You are not familiar with what is this, and what is System Shock, it is FORBIDDEN to comment or vote or whatever. Posts like : "WTF is this dumb strange translucent chick, I give it 1/10." will be send to an admin, so they can punish You, so You can lurn, that just 'cos You are born yesterday, this don't give You the right to insult one of the best game ever created back then, when You were just in your father's pants. System Shock is older than the HL1. It's not famous today, ONLY 'cos the TITAN HL1 was released shortly after it... VIVA System Shock, one of the best horror/rpg/shooter games ever made, We miss You...
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