Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-11 05:15:07 139 views Hello guys, Mario here,
Here's another weapon:
The Low-res Pistol!
It's a stolen pistol from old videogames (think about goldsource engine)!
(Low-res = Low Resolution = Low Quality = Not HD)
It offers:
-A new weapon (The Low-res Pistol)
-Spawn Icon
-More accuracy when in Ironsights
-In NPC override (NPC weapon menu)
-NPC Compatibility
-Old games' styled fire sound.
-Located in the "Mario's Toybox" category in "Weapons" tab.
-Press Primary fire (first mouse button) to shoot.
-Press Secondary Fire (second mouse button) to ironsight.
-Combines will be in T-Pose (they don't have the animation to stand with a pistol) when using this weapon.
My Steam Group for being updated about my Addons.
Gamebanana group for being updated about my TF2 Mods.
Have some thing in mind? Drop it in the comments, maybe I will like it!
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