Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 12:22:12 224 views From the readme:
Polandball Models For Gmod 13
Version 2.0
By Clipper (formerly known as R3cl41m3r)
I'm back. With an update.
...Though mostly overdue; blame hardcore procrastination & pushing too hard.
With the addition of 36 new balls in this release, there are now 176 total.
I also added, fixed, and changed some stuff around.
You can also submit to Steam Workshop if you want; just give credit if you do.
New Stuph In 2.0:
-The new balls; see the list below.
-Asiaballs now have eyes just like everyone else. (The old "asian" eyes are in "alternative\asiaballs_alteyes"; I made some for the new balls as well.)
-4 new skingroup expressions; see the screenshots.
-I finally learned how to make ragdolls properly, so Reichtangle actually has moveable bones this time! Also, he has half the bones.
-Finland's flag now has a thicker cross.
-Black Mesa & Combine now have colourful backgrounds, as opposed to boring white.
-Earthball is the most important ball, so he gets to be the largest.
-Yugoslavia looks normal now; his commie form is now a separate ball.
-...And that's all for now. I can't remember if I added anything else here.
Notes that still apply to this version:
-Most of the countryballs have skingroups for basic expressions; these can be accessed
using tools such as the Easy Bodygroup Tool (Find it on Workshop). Exceptions are:
United States of America
Imperial Japanese Navy
Omsk/Winged Doom Bird
-Sorry about Israel not being a proper hypercube; there are some issues with the way
the Source engine handles transparency, and most of the time it looks weird whenever
I try to "hypercubize" the materials.
-America's sunglasses reflect!
-Reichtangle & Omsk's eyes glow in the dark.
-Nepal looks flat because I CBA to figure out a way to 3D-ize him.
-EU is double the size of the other balls, while Romani & Sealand are half the size of the other balls.
-The German & Dutch balls, as well as Japan, have special skingroups; you can see them in the screenshots.
-If you're unsure about what Polandball is, here's some helpful links:
http://polandball.wikia.com/wiki/What_is_a_Countryball%3F = General explanation of what Polandball is.
http://i.imgur.com/2W1zu2U.png#shelf-tutorial = The rules of Polandball, from the official Polandball subreddit.
http://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/ = The official Polandball subreddit. Go here for examples.
-I do plan on fixing Malaysia's flag as well.
-Reichtangle is also a ragdoll.
Download to see full list of models in the pack.
Oh, and one more thing.
Just in case someone accuses me of stealing the Soldier Hussar Pack...
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