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Halo3 Civilian Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 02:16:31
  • Halo3 Civilian Pack Skin screenshot
  • Halo3 Civilian Pack Skin screenshot
  • Halo3 Civilian Pack Skin screenshot
  • Halo3 Civilian Pack Skin screenshot

Mrdougan's Halo3 Civilian pack v1.3

Preface: This all started when Jordan of Kootra Productions approached me to craft a small piece of faceposing footage for a Halo3 machinima film. Then came a request to make a custom skin/model similar to that of the in-game Halo3 civilian. Owing to a lack of appropriate materials the project has just ballooned beyond my initial projections.

Acknowledgments: JBarnes - During the process of making this skin/model pack, I used pre-assembled model & texture files from JBarnes' "City 8 NPC" skin/model pack ( & "Cleaner NPCs" skin/model pack (, without who's permission I wouldn't have been (a) able to modify the original skin/model pack (b) release this pack on a CC License.

DMGaina - // / On two fronts - Dan was the one who set me in the right direction when it came the skin modding, and secondly for beta testing it.

Kootra - // / It was Jordan who came to me and said "Andrew can you make a Halo3 Civilian skin to match with the faceposing you're doing"

Pack Testers: "DMGaina" of the Janus Syndicate - // "Deviant Pictures Films" from - // "JackIsASpy" from - // "Lime" from the forums -

Permissions: This skin/model pack has been released on a Creative Commons license permitting anyone the opportunity to freely copy, distribute, display, & make derivative pieces, on the understanding that JBarnes (models & texture author) and myself (author of this skin/model pack) are attributed as the principle authors. If you do use/amend the skin/model pack, drop me a line so I can see the final result For full details, please see the enclose file regarding CC license

Disclaimer: Whilst this skin/model pack has been through stringent tests, I do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any data loss or damage done by using of skin/model pack.
