| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 01:22:57 142 views DarkSHine Arms: M4A1
- Soul_Slayer - Model
- Kimono - Textures
- FA Team - Animations, hand model
- zulmargera87 - Sleeve model, texture
- Felipe_Paiva - Glove texture
- Teh Snake - Arm textrure
- Strelok - Sound
- Schiff - qc edit, vgui, sprites, misc, compile.
My lazy ass made some NEEEEWIIEEEH compile on this year. Package include all models featuring sleeve model, sprites, vgui and awesome Strelok sounds. Also i remove bug on m4 flaps and selector. Added "CoD'ish" style crosshair.
Some members ask me after release that skin: Why for FA mate? Where CS/CZ skins bro???!!! lololol we w4nt CS sk1n5!!!! what a game??? I dont answer that questions.
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Schiff 10.02.13
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