Добавил: Tiratore 2015-09-24 19:26:43 194 views
Hello everybody,
I made some new Anims for DoD:s!
I animated a Barret M82:D
These are the first anims i ever released and my first dods anims:D
Hope you like them
Texture:Twinke Masta(M82), Geno(Lens)
Compile, Animations, World Model,
Bumpmaps and Phong:Igor
The best render ever:Sick 420
If i have forgotten someone in the credits or if there is something wrong with the files etc. please tell me
Special Thanks to Sick for the great DoD:s RIG:D
Update#1:Changed the origins a bit and removed the bullet bug
Update#2:Special thanks to sick for the new screens
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