Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-18 15:09:41 93 views
- Glock Model: Posh Spice and Twinke.Masta
- UV's: Twinke.Masta
- Skin: Twinke.Masta
- Silencer Model: Bullethead
- Silencer Skin: !NC!Furious
- Mag Model: Fallschirmjager
- Mag Skin: the_tub
- Animaitons: Havoc
- Sounds: Hk & Valve
- Hack: Lil'Ruff
- Compile: Lil'Ruff
I hacked this model up a while ago, and finally just decided to release it.
You can also change the base color to black, if you want. All you have to do is change the .VMT file labeled "Glock." In there it will say:
//Black Slide
// "$baseTexture" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Glock"
// "$bumpmap" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Glock_Norm"
//Silver Slide
"$baseTexture" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Silver"
"$bumpmap" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Silver_Norm"
Just take the "//" off of the 2 lines under Black Slide, and add them to the ones under Silver Slide, so it says:
//Black Slide
"$baseTexture" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Glock"
"$bumpmap" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Glock_Norm"
//Silver Slide
// "$baseTexture" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Silver"
// "$bumpmap" "models\weapons\v_models\posh.spice.glock27\Silver_Norm"
Personal Disclaimer: NOT to be re-released ANYWHERE without my own, or the respective author's consent.
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