Добавил: root 2015-12-29 23:34:55 136 views
M134 Minigun 'Size Matters' Contest Entry =========================================
**Hello guys! **
We proudly present you our devastating Minigun - a round spitting beast straight out of gun hell! With its multiple barrels and deadly fire rate you can be really sure that this beauty is a worthy companion on the battlefield - it will never let you down.
After a long and hard road we finally managed to get everything together in time !
**Credits :**
Megamawman - Model/UV Maps Remus - Animations Heyo-PSUS - Animations Drown - Texture Maps / Renders / Sounds Arman Ossi Loko - Compile / World Model xplor3r - Compile / VMT Shaders / Gloss Maps and Normal Map Fix mb814 - Gunslinger Model used in Render NWI - Sounds Keywords: |