Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-09 17:02:17 132 views GIMNade
The GIMNade is a very confusing piece of Technology made by the Engineers named Boba Fett and Remus for a Oddity Contest.
It was first crafted to be a pocket Time Traveler Device with its Super Magnetic Fields.
But the experimental Nade traveled back in time while testing to the year 2020 where the nade was discovered by Nasa.
The goverment found data about this Nade and directly began to reverse engineer the GimNade.
There they discovered that it had much potentional in the Battle Field where the Super Magnetic Fields could be used to create a very big explosion.
After the first tests on the Battle Field the nade landed in the wrong hands of the Terrorists where now both sides are using the nade for Victory.
Though still in 2060 the Engineers re-crafted the device and sold it on the market including:
- The GIMNade with all its glory of Texture and Shaders
- 2 Animation options between Static or Animated
- A well made World Model Provided by Red Crayon
- Custom Sounds Provided by Strelok
- Buy Menu Icons
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