Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 11:40:13 369 views From Crossfire.
Another VIP/Hero Weapon is here: M4A1 Born Beast "AKA"
- Dark Knight
- Black Knight
- Beast
- CF Animations
- CF Sounds
- CF Effects (Red Glow, Red Smoke, Red Line Transition, Red Eye)
- Low-ping system (for good gaming performance)

Don't forget to rate and download this skin! Anyway, if you want to be updated, subscribe to me! ^_^
P.S. - You can post videos for this skin! Also, zhu553272794 is also known as HalfLifeZM in Baidu! :D
UPDATE > April 23, 2014 - Removed muzzle flash in the model (script fix). Please download this model again to see the changes.
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