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AKS74U Ultra Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 12:56:53
  • AKS74U Ultra Pack Skin screenshot
  • AKS74U Ultra Pack Skin screenshot
  • AKS74U Ultra Pack Skin screenshot
  • AKS74U Ultra Pack Skin screenshot
  • AKS74U Ultra Pack Skin screenshot

Preview Video Preview video is up. The sounds are messed up on a few due to an error on my part which is now fixed in the archive.

V3 now up with a clearer buy picture Also several sound fixes and the inclusion of Toxic Kitten's Animations.

Texture Preview

Well here goes nothing.

Phew! It's been a long time coming and now it's finally fucking finished. Some of these files have been sitting on my drive and they date back to November of 2007. That's a year in the making! I can't believe it's actually been that long but this is it and I'm glad to say it's finally done. Probably my biggest pack to date.

There will probably be a preview video later for every animation. I just don't have the time now and the release is more important to me at this time.

._________________. |EPIC AKS-74U PACK| -----------------

Installation of this package may be complex for those who are not fully experienced with installing custom weapon replacements. Follow the accompanying instructions carefully.

1) Copy the folders in "Required Files" to your "cstrike" folder first. 2) Open "Texture Choices" folder and copy the folders from the texture of your choosing. See notes below for special cases. 3) Open the Animations Choices directory and copy folders from the animations folder of your choice. Again, see notes below for any special cases. 4) Done

NOTE: In the case of Xander's Telekinetic animations copy only scripts, sound, and models folders. The Alt Sounds folder contains the models, sounds, and script files for the alternate sounds if you want to use them.

If you want to remove the strap from any of the animations that have them (Xanders AKS animations) simply use the .vmt no_draw trick to remove it. You can also change to the black or tan strap by editing the .vmt file.

VMT Editing: The textures and vmts are installed to "materials/models/weapons/v_models/" and "materials/models/weapons/w_models/" if you want to edit them.

Polygon's texture has an orange or a black magazine. Edit the vmt's in the folder to change to either one. Be sure to edit both the w_model and v_model vmt's or else one will be different than the other.

Acid Snake's Textures: Just place the files as you would normally by copying the materials folder and then open the wood and magazine color choice folder you want and copy that materials folder into cstrike.



Model: The_Lama Textures: Acid_Snake, Anti-Death (Alternate Textures for Acid_Snake's), Kimono, Polygon, HeNe, Thanez Strap: Thanez, Millenia (?) Animations: FearThePenguin, XanderTheSailor, Valve, Unseen_1, Xero, Toxic Kitten!! Sounds: Vunsunta, XanderTheSailor, iFlip Compiles: CapnJack

