I fixed an error in the archive's scripts folder and I also changed some of the sounds as the ones in the archive weren't the ones I intended to use. If you were having problems with the hammer back sound not playing or any of them not playing at all re-download it.
Colt 1911 |
Model: Twinke Masta
Textures: Twinke Masta
Normals/W Compile/Buy Menu Render: L0RDN00B
Animations: Powerskull's Super Secret Colt Animations :O
V Compile: CapnJack
Sound: xLongWayHome, CSS SoundMod, Zak Belika
These are a set of super secret animations by Powerskull that aren't technically done yet, AND I'M A HEUG FAGGOT FOR REALEASING THEM AND I SHOULD HAVE MY FACE RAPED.
(but they really are he just doesn't know it) so don't tell him about this. ;-P