Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-09 14:37:08 164 views This is a very simple, yet brute force fix, of This CSS player reskin by Predator. It fixes the 'Shinyness' by removing the enviroment map, which was causing the issues, alltogether.
Because this is only a fix, I only included the files I changed in the archive. You MUST download the original C.S.S.- Players for this to work.
I did not ask for permission anywhere - I simply have posted this so that the skin might be fixed. Hopefully this will draw the attention of the seasoned veterans.
This fix was made by removing " "$envmap" "env_cubemap" " from the .vmt file from every skin. This is a very brute force method - there are propably much better ways of doing this, but they are unknown to me for now.
I did note that the glass that the Urban and SAS used did have working reflections and working env-maps, so I did not remove those, but this is because they had some sort of alpha map.
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