Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-16 19:49:39 123 views
Do not be deceived, citizens! The National Secessionist Forces are your last hope for the American dream. It will be in this great land, in this great continent, where we shall make our stand, to fight for that set of binding ideals and freedoms that are guaranteed for every citizen. The corruption of power that has set upon this criminal authority which now attempts to suppress and crush the hope of the everyday man will not succeed in its dark endeavor. For we will stand strong, we will stand tall, and one day, we will stand free.
Original model by LaCa. Additional edits by Force2Concern and OneManArmy. If you had a part in making this, please tell me.
The next in a series of Deus Ex-inspired player models. Yeah, they suck, but hey, have fun.
Two models are in the .rar. One has a headset and extra gear. Your choice.
Original vest texture by Killing in the Name. All apologies to where they're due.
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