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Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-09 13:49:04
  • Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special Skin screenshot
  • Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special Skin screenshot
  • Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special Skin screenshot
  • Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special Skin screenshot
  • Pindad SS-1 v.2 desert special Skin screenshot

Model, skin - Zepetto, Twinke Masta, treyarch, ichi92 sounds - strelok Compile - Nemesis50, ichi92

PINDAD SS-1 variants are licensed from FN(Fabrique Nationale), so it's look like FN FNC.

the different of it we can see to it's "handle" and "handguard(new SS-1 version has a different)"/

about this skin,

has no muzzleflash displayed

i've changed the sound to the silenced one

theres 2 different "Pee" and "Wee" models, the higher poly and the lower one.

I'm sorry for my bad english :P

just download it, and remind me if there's something error, or wrong credits.
