| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-02-15 03:36:15 260 views Spanish
Buenas a todos. Aquí les tengo una version azul de las armas rojas del CSO Junto con sus archivos GFX, Sprites y Sounds Junto con el tatuaje del tigre
En el Archivo verán Que hay una carpeta con los models W y P (P and W in case of error) originales del Counter Strike, Esto es si algún model P/W de las armas Azules te da algún error al jugar/entrar al Counter Strike Como este
Bad Consistence File For P/W_m249.mdl
Si les sale este error solo entre en la carpeta "P and W in case of error" Copiamos el model P/W de la M249 y lo pegamos dentro de la carpeta "models" de nuestro counter Strike y debería de arreglarse el error
Good to everyone. Here I have a blue version of Red weapons of the CSO togetherwith its GFX files, Sprites and Sounds, along with the Tiger tattoo
In the file will see that there is a folder with the models W and P (P and W in case oferror) original of the Counter Strike, this is if any model p/w of them weapons blueyou gives some error to the play / enter to the Counter Strike as this
Bad Consistence File For P/W_m249.mdl
If get you this error only enters the folder "P and W in case of error" copy the modelp/w of the M249 and paste it into the folder "models" of our counter Strike and it should fix the error
I am using a translator for this, which does not surprise you if they see something this badly translated Shadqw Asked if could upload a version blue of the weapons, so here the have
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