Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-28 09:18:53 69 views
So here is my skin for the contest...
- V/P models + Sprite (U-hud type).
I had problems with the animations (they were very robotic ;d;d;d) so I dropped them completely. I am happy with the textures and the model since it's the first one without smoothing errors (true story). The blade was a bit hard to textures since I didn't properly make the uv's the first time so I had to make them 3 times. The handle was meant to look like cartoonish wood and I think it looks ok from far and close (;d). In-game the textures react to environment so that's cool.
Edit: Oh, and the blood on the blade was meant to be a part of the texture and not real blood on the blade...
Hmm, I think that's it, so hate/like and rate. :)
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