Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-23 23:53:59 61 view
The Kris (original name: Keris) is the national weapon of the Indonesian
Archipelago and comes in various shapes.
A keris or kris is a special knife that has been constructed entirely for
magic & Spiritual Purpose. The creation is a long and complicated Magical
ritual which involves the blending of the metal with magickal ingredients
and the invoking of a powerful jinn/khodam spirit into the keris Blade.
After the keris Sword has been created, the spirit is continually fed, so
it gradually grows more powerful. They are often passed down from
generation to generation. Our keris go back as far as the 8th century,
when the most powerful magickal knives & Swords were made. They have
become extremely potent through magickal & Spiritual usage and continuous
With new anims by Neon_Lamp it likely more realistic
Comes with pee-wee <--- (Wee models?)
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