Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-14 15:04:04 229 views ********************** Michael De Santa For 1.6 *********************** Model - Rockstar Games Porting .obj - luxox_18 </go/3997.lnk> Porting .mdl - mb.michael
for any complaints just email me at : mbmichael.mbmns@gmail.com <Asia> <Indonesia (+62)>
Over 17000+ vertice with 30000+ triangle make this very insane to be perfect like in GTA V without powerful bone, soon the powerful bone will be included as beta-closed edition
After michael dead in 2013, The Human Genetic Modification Assosiation clonning his body and memory to use michael in whole job, but now the main problem is Terrorist force have been stolen the harmful chemistry substance for create biologic bullet.This substance called "Floro antimonic Acid (H2FSbF)" that 200.000.000x more corrosive than Sulfat Acid (H2SO4), now no more people can bring back that subtance from terrorist force, except "Michael de Santa" said FBI commisioner at Los Santos. Michael de Santa is one of most talented people for stole job, but now Michael's have to difficult choice :
1. Join Terrorist Force : get paid more money / week estimate money $22500/week until no more resistance again from CT-Force
2. Bring back the substance : get respect + forever free tax for any house until die estimate money $0/week
Finaly Michael's choice in your hands! so carefully pick that choice!
REMEMBER if there dual elite bug happens, decompile model and compile the model using dual elite bug fix compile script (.qc) at the folder. This happen because many people using random mp.dll / mpbots.dll
+ This have 2 choice ; CT or T Replacement
+ Included 2 backpack ; defusal kit / bomb
+ Fixed some vertice bugs
other notes:
1. Read carefully HELP SUPPORT if needed
2. I Hope you like it
3. Don't forget to put mp_consistency 0
4. And also don't forget to waitng my new models!
5. If you see an "easter eggs" anims, just let it and enjoy the game
release notes:
Beta 4.0 - Fixed head model
- Fixed hand model
- Fixed idle anim
Beta 3.0 - Added backpack
Beta 2.0 - Fixed mismatch vertice
Beta 1.0 - Rig model
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