Добавил: Tiratore 2015-10-01 11:47:18 154 views
Readme File:
Meeshman's SVT 40
by: Meeshman
CoD 2
Almost 100% new SVT 40, the only thing that isn's new is part of the sight and ejector port.
What's New
-Entirely new skin (not just a recolour)
-Entirely new bump maps and specular maps for dx9 users
-Doubled the resolution of the skin to make it look good in dx7
-Far more detail then original skin, including authentic stamps and engravings.
This will only work in...
-multiplayer unpure server (if you want to find them, use All Seeing Eye http://videogames.yahoo.com/multiplayer (set filter to unpure)
-or if a server is using the skin
Original Skin: Infinity Ward
Reskin: Meeshman
Special thanks to Namphibian for the DX9 screenshots, and Siffer's wonderful map Boriskova where the screenshots were takes@
If this screws you computer in the face, it is not my fault.
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