Добавил: Tiratore 2015-10-01 11:51:20 152 views
Readme File:
-----------Ferry's DEUTSCHEN AFRIKA KORPS V 2.0----------
I corrected and improved my DAK skin.Now the tropical uniform
looks better with the new updates and features. Make sure that this time you
take this version instead of the firsth skin.
The skin has been maded in normal resolution.
Place the IWD file on your COD2 main folder
SKIN corrections
-Cuff title (bumpmap and brightness)
-Added some dirt on the tropical tunic
-New breast eagle skin (brightness and bump map)
-New bump map for the collar tabs
-Improved the tricolor helmet decal
-Changed and corrected the color shirt of the fatguys
-New bump map on the gefreiter arm sleeve
For any problems e-mail me to easyred_101@hotmail.com
Skin by:Ferry
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