Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-01 09:59:27 166 views
This is the original ground Sentry model made in 2005 before it was modified to create a different gameplay experience. The original Sentry would rotate 360 degrees but this modification retains the rotation constraints so that it can still be picked up and carried by the player.
This model is purely cosmetic and the function of the gun will not change although it may be more difficult to knock over. This was released for those who for whatever reason preferred the original.
- The laser sight is in the wrong position in the screenshots (taken before fixing) and will actually emit from the centre sensor.
- Gun status screen is not present.
Copy the files to \steamapps\sourcemods\BMS. This will overwrite the existing Sentry. Backup the the files if you wish to revert at some point.
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