Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-01 10:23:18 142 views
Five colour choices for the default Glock 17! All viewmodel textures are 1024x1024.
-Classic: Higher-res edit of the default texture with green tritium sights. Includes new normal and specular maps. And it actually says "Glock 17" instead of "Glock 19".
-Silver Slide: Same as classic but with a silver slide and different specular map.
-Tan Body: Same as classic but with a tan coloured body.
-Tan Body + Silver Slide: Obvious.
-Tan Body + Golden Slide: Obvious.
All colour combinations except classic have new worldmodel textures to keep things consistent.
New sounds are included too. The viewmodel and worldmodel firing sounds were both taken from real Glock 17s and the slide back sound in the reload is also replaced with those ofa real Glock 17. The firing of the viewmodel is different from when NPCs fire because, realistically, gun shots sound different from different perspectives.
Black Mesa loads kinda slow, so I didn't take screenshots of all the combinations. You can view the texture file in vtfedit though.
Backup files are included for uninstalling.
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