Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-01 19:47:07 91 view
Created by Brenex
FN P90 weapon skin for game Ace Of Spades. Fully customizable with 84 weapon variations.
*7 Custom Ironsights/sights/scopes
*Custom Sounds
*Models with/without arms
*84 variants.
(Backup your files first. PNG, WAV and KV6 folders)
Open your game dir (For example, C:\program files\Ace of Spades)
--------------KV6 folder-------------------
- Copy all files from [Required Files] to your KV6 folder
- Open [FN P90] Folder
- Select the folder containing variants without arms or with.
- Select the folder with prefered camo.
- Then choose folder that includes desired attachments.
- You can also choose from suppressed and unsuppressed variants.
- Copy smg.kv6 file to your KV6 folder.
--------------PNG folder-------------------
Select the folder which includes your selected weapon attachment and open it. Copy the smg.png file to your PNG folder and overwrite the old file.
--------------WAV folder-------------------
Copy all the files from WAV folder to your WAV folder and overwrite the old files.
If you have chosen suppressed variant then copy all files from [Silenced] folder to your WAV folder.
That's it, enjoy :)
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