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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Ace of Spades
Comando - P90 with many variations

Comando - P90 with many variations

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-01 19:47:07
91 view
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot
  • Comando - P90 with many variations Skin screenshot


Created by Brenex

FN P90 weapon skin for game Ace Of Spades. Fully customizable with 84 weapon variations.

Features: *7 Custom Ironsights/sights/scopes *Custom Sounds *Models with/without arms *84 variants.

Installation: (Backup your files first. PNG, WAV and KV6 folders) Open your game dir (For example, C:\program files\Ace of Spades)

--------------KV6 folder-------------------

  1. Copy all files from [Required Files] to your KV6 folder
  2. Open [FN P90] Folder
  3. Select the folder containing variants without arms or with.
  4. Select the folder with prefered camo.
  5. Then choose folder that includes desired attachments.
  6. You can also choose from suppressed and unsuppressed variants.
  7. Copy smg.kv6 file to your KV6 folder.

--------------PNG folder-------------------

Select the folder which includes your selected weapon attachment and open it. Copy the smg.png file to your PNG folder and overwrite the old file.

--------------WAV folder-------------------

Copy all the files from WAV folder to your WAV folder and overwrite the old files. If you have chosen suppressed variant then copy all files from [Silenced] folder to your WAV folder.

That's it, enjoy :)
