| Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-03 19:47:42 85 views
MineCraft bow and arrow for Ace Of Spades
Includes gun (bow and arrow) tracer (single arrow) and casing (invisible) models, a crosshair and original MineCraft classic bow sounds.
- Models and images created by Daniel_Laixer.
- Original MineCraft old arrow shoot sound by Mojang AB (please check licence). Created reload sound using MineCraft files.
- Extract the "MineCraft bow.zip" file anywhere on your computer.
- Open the "Skin files" subfolder.
- (Optional) Make a backup of the original game files so you can get back the original skins and sounds at any time.
- Copy the three directories (kv6, png, wav) to the directory where AOS is installed, confirm mixing/ overwriting.
- ???????
- Start playing!
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