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Map chokehold for HL

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===================================================================== -------------------------- Chokehold ------------------------------ ------------------- A Half-Life deathmatch map ---------------------- ===================================================================== ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title : Chokehold Filename : chokehold.bsp Author : Atticus "Voltron" Culver-Rease Author Email : Previous Maps : None ------Map Desciption------------------------------------------------- Chokehold was designed for fast and furious Half-Life deathmatch action, in the vein of maps like Bootcamp, Crossfire, Doublecross and Gasworks. Expect it to get messy... The map contains every weapon except for the Hive Hand-o-lag. ------Credits and Thanks--------------------------------------------- Gamara II for doing a little playtesting, and also for being my Half-Life partner-in-crime back in the day. Clan XPK for being good teammates and great guys. ( Chewie, ike_TurNer, MOjo, Omacron and everyone else (sorry if I forgot you!) who downloaded the beta map or came to playtests. Surreal beta testers ( Tony at Global Assault ( Everyone at the Department of Engineering for playtesting and feedback a while ago. ( And of course, thanks to Valve Software for creating the best game I've ever had the pleasure to play. Finally, thanks in advance to any server ops who put this map in rotation, and thanks to YOU for downloading it! Have fun. ------Additional Notes----------------------------------------------- I've never made a map for any game before, so this has been a real learning experience for me. I know that this map has some problems in terms of r_speeds, but most people have found it playable and I'm pretty happy with the gameplay, so I felt it was worthy of releasing. I tried for a long time to try to get the r_speeds down more, but due to the nature of the map in terms of layout and such there was only so much that could be done. Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed building it. Have fun. ------Play Information----------------------------------------------- Deathmatch : Oh yeah. Single Player : There's an info_player_start if you like... How Many Players: 2-8 ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.0, Q2Beaver for compiling Map Started : July 11, 1999 Map Finished : January 15, 2000 Compile Machine : PII-450, 128MB RAM Compile time : Approx. 1200 seconds (20 mins) Playtest time : Lots and lots (on and off for several months) ------Map Instructions----------------------------------------------- Unzip the files in this archive. Place the file "chokehold.bsp" in your half-life/valve/maps directory. ------Feedback------------------------------------------------------- I would LOVE to hear any comments or suggestions from people who have played this map. Whether you loved it or hated it, I would like to hear your thoughts so I can improveat mapping. Please direct your feedback to me at: ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ You may not use this map as a base to build other levels. Do not distribute this map without including this text file in the zip. You may freely distribute this map over the internet, but you may not put this map on a commercially distributed CD without my permission (but if you ask I'll probably let you). =====================================================================

Список ресурсов карты chokehold