Просмотры: 253
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Map Information
Title : Mans Answer - The Struggle
Author : Naigel
Email Address : nicky_pelupessy@hotmail.com
Filename : mans_answer_final_v1.bsp
Filesize : 7.173 KB (around 7 MB)
Date : 22/02/10
Description : Defend the super computer, which relocates to several area's, kill the aliens!
Other work : see http://naigel.nl/
Notes : Svenco-op Mapping Contest entry, updated version (final v1)
Player Information
Single Player : No
Deathmatch : No
Cooperative : Yes
Difficulty : Hard
Map Type : Defense
New Textures : A few, embedded into .bsp
New Sounds : Yes, see sound/naigel
New Sprites : Yes, see sprites/naigel
New Detail Textures : Yes, see gfx/detail/naigel
Players : 8-16 players
Base : None
Editor Used : Hammer 3.5 beta
Build Time : over 80 hours
Known bugs : None (let me know if you encounter one, please!)
Compile Machine : 2.41 GHz (dual core), 2 GB RAM
Compile Time :
HLCSG - 10.28 seconds elapsed
HLBSP - 14.30 seconds elapsed
HLVIS - 254.44 seconds elapsed [4m 14s]
HLRAD - 50872.50 seconds elapsed [14h 7m 52s] (45.2 MB VIS Matrix)
Total - 51151.52 seconds elapsed [around 14 hours and 15 minutes]s
If you'd like to see some source files... contact me. The .wad's are embedded in the .bsp.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Flemming, Souleh, Emkaem, Malle, SMK1337, people at SC forum, Amckern (I used his template for the .txt's) and others who I've forgotten (sorry!!).