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Highrise - Bomb/Defuse
by Conquist@dor (misha-artek@yandex.ru)
Legend of the map
New Year in Moscow.Chechen terrorist group "Al todezeit" decided to commit a bunk area terrakt in Moscow to protest against Russian troops in Chechnya. Members of this group,suicide bombers going to blow up a highrise building.To do so, they rent two flats in one of the entrances of the house to prepare for terrakt. FSS get to know about this,and operational group occupy a secret flat in another entrance of this house.Terrorists has begun a sudden attack.
Counter-Terrorists: You must prevent suicide bombers (terrorists) to blow up the dwelling house
Terrorists: You must bomb a house.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in the mission-first on the roof and second at attic
Made in Russia.With love.