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DOOM 1: Episode 1, Mission 1 (E1M1)
by Alluro95 (emra527@hotmail.com)
Original DOOM Level Design by id Software
Textures from DOOM by id Software (1993)
converted using Wally
DOOM Level converted using
DOOM -> Quake Map Convertor by
Michael Stokes (mike@stokfam.psinet.net.au)
The Union Aerospace Corporation Requisition
Hangar is under seige by Terrorists.
Protect two vital locations here from being
bombed by the Terrorists.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the UAC Computer Mainframe Room
or the UAC Computer Power Module Core.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy either the UAC Computer
Mainframe Room or the UAC Computer Power
Module Core.
Other Notes: The green nukage slime does
not harm you in any way (you can still drown in
the stuff, however). A sewer system has
been added for an additional route of attack.
Original map has been slightly modified in
an effort to reduce r_speeds in CS.
This map supports up to 24 players (12 CT/12 T).
(Press FIRE to continue)