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* Play Information *
small DM map meant for 2-4 players, though i suggest two, because the
ammo was tailored for that amount. When making this map I wanted it to run
like a dream on my p133/32/voodoo1 and it does, the framerate for me never
dropped below 30fps I hope that low systems have the same results. Also
the big door with the blue switch next to it, is a sort of temporary
barrier, shoot the switch and the door closes for roughly 8 seconds
giving you time to escape or something. Anyway try it out, it was the
one gimic i could come up with that would fit the theme of this map.
The water is opaque as i thought it would make for some nice fights, and it
is a harmless camp IMHO as the only weapon that can shoot under water is
the 9mm pistol. One bug of note is that the 9mmAR grenades don't make
the explosion or sound while in the water. I think thats an engine thing.
I hope you enjoy this map and send me some e-mail regarding it.
Title : Archaic
Filename : archaic.bsp
Author : Laurence Malafry
Other lvls by author : This is the first map I have released, though
I have screwed around with other editors and
Email address : malafry@hotmail.com
Home page : westwood.fortunecity.com/chloe/194/index.htm
(Don't go there expecting map stuff, its about
A Clockwork Orange)
Description : This is a small dm map with a industrial metal
scheme, using only "archaic" weapons
Additional Credits to : BRUCE LEWIS!! my map tester and compiler until
I get a new damn computer. This "archaic"
computer whose last map will be the one
you are about to play. Umm those valve guys for
... well i dont' know, just thanks valve.
Single Player : yes please...oh your all out? well then ill
have the hmmm... ahh death match
Cooperative : if your a schitzophrenic or if you have friends on your side in DM
Deathmatch : well if you want I think i put a dm start in there
Difficulty Settings : varies from opponent to opponent, if you play me
than that is novice difficulty. (I have never
been able to achieve any skill in a game
since quake)
New Textures : no i am not artistic and suck at that
CD Track : I would suggest some NoFX, or Me First and the
Gimme Gimmes, ooh or Pennywise but only because that is my
taste in music. I like track 2 on White trash
two heebs and a bean.
* Construction *
Base : I started this level without a clue as to
how it was going to be layed out, just experimenting
with a texture scheme and i liked it. So brand new.
Editor(s) used : WC 2
Compile Machine : K6-200 96megs I think
Compile time : Im sorry I don't have that information
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.
thanks Radium!