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[DS]: Half-Life Server

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Map hl_minecraft for AG

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HL_Minecraft a deathmatch experience by DocRock a deathmatch map set in the minecraft world Map information: bsp name: hl_minecraft.bsp skybox name: skyline map released: nov 1 2015 author: DocRock author email: Build information: original map: yes map based on: the ever popular minecraft utilities used: valve hammer 3.5.2 wally paintshop wadincluded: minecraft.wad models used: none player models 007-mine.mdl included: cive.mdl creeper.mdl creepie.mdl creep-mine.mdl doc-mine.mdl minecraft.mdl muggs.mdl spaceinvaders.mdl sounds used: half-life stock sounds sprites used: teleport sprite by CreepitAll fixflame sprite by qUiCkSiLvEr PC Specs: Windows 7 Professional Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K 3.2 Ghz 16gb memory Compile Time: 2 minutes map dedicated to: babykitkat (always) beta testers: babykitkat SilentRunner007 Creepitall a hearty thanks: Creepitall for player models, teleport sprite and support installation: hl_minecraft.bsp to valve/maps hl_minecraft.res to valve/maps skyline tga to valve/gfx/env player models to valve/models/player sounds to valve/sounds/minecraft sprites to valve/sprites/minecraft Special map note: None of the textures used were ripped from any game. All textures were copied from a google image search, pasted and re-edited through ms paint and edited into the wally texture program converted into a wad for the map.

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