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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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SimpleTranqShot v2.0 Beta27

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-09-17 00:09:00
Shot normally will send the message, and only when the cast is actually successful to avoid channel spam. If the Tranquilizing Shot misses, it broadcasts a different message. It also displays text on the interface to let the player know the shot missed with out having to monitor the combat log or be looking at the ceiling to see the MISS text over the target\'s head. Features: * Tracks casting of Tranquilizing Shot passively. Does not need a special button to append to your UI or macro, works regardless of how Tranquilizing Shot is cast. * Broadcasts configurable messages when Tranquilizing Shot hits or misses it\'s target. * Broadcasts message to the chat type of your choice. (chat channel, yell, say, emote, raid, party, /rs) * Displays a configurable message on your screen when you miss. * Displays a configurable message on your screen when another hunter in your raid misses, even if they don\'t have SimpleTranqShot. * Play a sound when you or some one in the raid misses Tranquilizing Shot. * NEW 1.8 - Displays a configable message on your screen when your tranq shot or anyone in your raid\'s tranq shot fails. * NEW 1.8 - Setup to announce for Magmadar, Death Talon Seether, Flamegor and Chromaggus. * NEW 1.8 - Automatically adds any mob who gains frenzy, or from which frenzy is removed from to it\'s list of known targets to announce for.
This is a light weight mod that replaces the need for a macro to broadcast when a hunter casts tranqilizing shot. Instead of sending a message every time the macro is hit, just casting Tranqilizing
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