Sorry it took so long (and has turned up unfinished!) buthere is the second set of comic skins.Green LanternIron ManSupermanCaptain AmericaandBatmanBats and Supes seem to look alright without their cape
This Chester voicepack was updated/completed with the help of THE_GR8_1 ( Thanks!No, I don't really sound like Chester "normally". I enjoy using it and hope others do also. I left out profanity for universal appeal
///////////// CBFD 1.B ---- Voice Pack of Conkers Bad Fur Day...[On N64] \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\ -- By - ZYX2323[COD] ////////////////--- 1st things 1st, I Would like to Thank Rare and Ninten
================================= C a r r y T h e F l a g================================= v1.02Nexus Entertainment UIN: 69695724 (Versix)Installa
================================= C a r r y T h e F l a g================================= v1.02Nexus Entertainment UIN: 69695724 (Versix)Installa
*******************************************************************************************Title : Camo CowVersion : 1.0Release Date : Mar 8, 2000Filename : CamoC
================================================================Title : B&W Map PackVersion : 1.00Release Date : 6-29-2001Fixes : NoneFilename : BWMapPack.zipAuthor :
///////////// ButtersVersion2 from South Park \\\\\\\\--- 1st things 1st, I Would like to Thank South Park, Any the members of My Clan [COD]--- This is Butters from South Pack, my favorite charactor of the show.--- Thank you f
DM-INF-FearlessDesert[night]ReadMe for Unreal Tournament----------------------------Title: DM-INF-FearlessDesert[night]Filename: dm-inf-fearlessdesert[night].zipAuthor: Romall H Smith 'MaxPhoenix'eMail