BlackWidow dark paintjob for widowmaker. Just some color changes and shine. Intall: blackwidow.utx in the texure folder (team~colors included) blackwidow.upl in the systems folder * Copyright / Permissions * This texture is copyrighted
****** UT2004 Player Grinder ****** A new skin for the Axon/Xan model. Use instructions: I included the Xan Classic voicepack for the default voice. The player supports teamcolor. Installation: .int to System .u to System .upl to System
And our second skin of the day, is an Axon reskin. Proudly boasting a camo pattern, this skin blends in quite well with forest environments, and the camo texturing has been very well-done. The
Damn is this one wacky skin! Imagine Xan. Now imagine taking Xan, powering him down, and throwing him into a gaggle of pre-school kids. Now, imagine doing that during painting day. Yep, that's one
Thank you for downloading the I-I-E skin for UT2003. It didnt take too long to make, but I am satisfied with the result. I think it turned out nicely. By Longorn ------------ Installation ------------ Copy the IIE.upl to C:UT2003System
The spyware model is missing parts of its arm, they must be magnetic or something. Cool model nonetheless. [b]FF|Review:[/b] One of the brightest and most original skins for UT, definetely
Frost skin for Unreal Tournament 2004 E-mail: Instructions: Extract the "Frost.upl" file into the System folder in your Ut2004 folder. Extract the "Frost.utx" file into the Textures folder in your Ut2004 folder. -O