A Medium sized Z-Axis heavy deatmatch for 2-8 players. It takes place in a temple inspired by the Chizra textures from Unreal. I used about 90% custom meshes and the map is fully pathed and optimised.
Title: Temple of Sanon Magnamara Filename: DM-SanonMagnamara.ut2 Author: Pseudosafari eMail Address: lethargicmonkey@hotmail.co.uk Started 4/4/06 Released 18/4/06 Credits: Arcadiavincennes, Ironblayde and _Lynx for help on UP and NC foru
- File Name:
- dmsanonmagnamara.zip
- File Size:
- 9.59 MB
- Download Last 2 Week:
- 7
- Downloads All Time:
- 338