Warning: This map isn´t meant to be played! DM-BluescreenXL is not a really a Deathmatch map, you can frag on it but it´s purpose is to create some 'bluescreen' screenshots of the U2004 models(weapons,pickups) on it. So you can easily cut them o
This is my first Unreal Tournament 2004 map. It is located within an abandoned maintanace facility and features a large arena with a jumppad and a claustrophobic room with a huge fall. It was designed with speed and fast paced fighting in mind. The c
This is a much improved update of the UT2K3 original. 1on1 or 2on2, arena-style. Very open, but easy to duck behind cover when needed. Map has been playtested to DEATH online, and seems to be well balanced. There are some good lift-jump opportunities
No one has walked on the bridges of Nerophan and lived to tell the tale. The king used to send his prisoners here, where they are guarded by the abyss and several white laser-beams. ------------------------ The purpose of this level is that it sho
Ever wanted to add a Translocator, Super Shock, Zoom Super Shock, Ball Launcher, or a Shild Gun Pickup to your map? Well look no farther! Basicly what I did, is I came across my old copy of UT2k3, and I thought to myself "hey didn't the UnrealEd in 2