Remember When!! We had those special toys when we were kids. Some even around this day and age. Some collectors items now, wish I had a few of them back.
Map made by Steve "Luv_Studd" Keene released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a DM map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Steve "Luv_Studd" Keene.
Map made by Philipp 'Soma' Urlich released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a DM map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Philipp 'Soma' Urlich.
Map made by Philipp 'Soma' Urlich released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a DM map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Philipp 'Soma' Urlich.
Map made by Emanuel 'Krolizard' Da Roit released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a DM map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Emanuel 'Krolizard' Da Roit.
Map made by Mourouvin C - H1ghTecM@N^ released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a DM map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Mourouvin C - H1ghTecM@N^.