Remake of a popular Counter-Strike map. The area consists of a small house with some surrounding building. Map seems to have mostly a medium or long-range combat style.
Let me be the first to introduce you to the arborean world of Anasazi. Anasazi is a temple that was specially designed for spear fights and sword fights back in ancient times. Now in the modern day, this arena is still being used for fights. Minor
In an unusual move, Liandri commissionned an elite team of engineers and architects to design and build a Tournament arena optimized for Deathmatch games, instead of buying and adapting yet another abandoned building or factory. DM-Ladders is the res
Readme File: =================================================== Title : DM-Gael-XL2 Gametype : UT2004 DM Version : 1.0 Release Date : August 2005 Filename : DM-Gael-XL2.ut2 Author : Agent Scully Web Page : check with me and I'll tell you i