Remake of the classic Quake map of the same name. Original layout by Preacher. RubberChicken made the initial UT2004 layout and tested/tweaked it endlessly with some of the top 1v1 players around, until it was perfect. At that point... I was asked
DM-Deadbolt][2 ====================================================================================== Author: ShredPrince All Static Meshes created by author (ShredPrince) for UT2004 using Maya PLE All Shaders constructed from actual UC2 base tex
The remote wastes of the polar regions of the 6th planet of the Nahkti system, serves as a secret payday for the illustrious royal family. In yet another seedy Liandri venture, once again it is proven that everyone has their price. PACKAGE ISSUES
Map co-authored with [BIOS] and released as part of UCMP4. Time: Spring 2530 Place: New Cairo, Egypt History: Since all fossil fuels were exhausted in 2078, nuclear reactor plants have become less rare as methane fusion plants cover the globe to
*** Inside The Mind of a Mooninite *** This is the Mooninite's Main Mega Core. It's True Purpose is as yet unknown. There are many Theories. Perhaps they are trying to give us a Sign? Maybe it is some sort of Message? _____________ --
*** This is a sniper if you don't camp/snipe than you'd be better off not downloading! *** ------------------------------------------ This is a Port of my UT99 Lego map. It has more legos, bot support and overall feel than the 99 version.