an egypt lvl, with only user created meshes, standart form of br. V1.1 has some Fixes add the tree meshes. Facke backdrop fix. And more fog added to improve frame rate. All is better than a bad gameplay
9/5/2004 DM-Tokays Towers - a remake of a Quake 2 map originally designed by ID Software. I'm hoping to follow up with more remakes of this sort. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to me at Place
In 2216, after the astounding defeat of the Skaarj, their Mothership lay shattered and forgotten. Eventually drifting out of Earth orbit, the Mothership crashed on an uncharted barren world light-years away. Now two rival Skaarj clans, the Iron Skull
Note: There are actually no maps in this pack but I had to put it somewhere because there was nothing close to a "mutator" file type under FileFront. The BigMut v1.03 mutator pack includes the great work by the following people: Legend: [Mutat
CTF map by: Simeon "Lord Simeon" Spargo Original author's permission granted. "no one would have believed, in the last years of the 19th Century, that human affairs were being watched..."