A small wedge in the mountainside would usually be peaceful enough, that is until people start dying. ------------------------- This is a BETA MAP. This is a test to help make a great final version. The final version will replace this version, s
The old DM-Compressed map that came with the game but with a LEGO theme. The LEGO textures in this map are combined with the original textures to create better ambience.
It's a simple level but a very big challenge. I dare you to stay in the middle of the spinning wheel and not be killed. With a lot movers to mess around. This is my first map. It is a bit simple but tricky and if you play it online it should be i
The architecture of this house is inspired directly in the form of LEGO pieces, with retro colors that are bright but intentional. Instagib play is enabled automatically. I hope you enjoy.
'Omicron 6' once a far outpost of Liandri Mining Corporation and now homeworld of the Necris. The 'Phayder Corporation' created an artificial race of undead Humans for testing on this planet. One reason because these undead hate Humans is that they s
This is a map that I rebuilt. It wasn't a sniper map to begin with and was quite large. Everyone loved this map but even with 16 players you would still be lucky to find someone to shoot. So I resized it and changed the lighting a lil (also added tw