Well, what's changed for what the author claims to be the final version of this map? Well, to be honest not a lot. The author says framerate is better, and it is, but it's not noticeable fo higher-spec machines, however if you had problems with the o
Thankfully, things improved when I found my way into the central area, which is a rather dark forest/clearing area with a few pools and bushes e.t.c The lighting and setting here works really well for the theme of the map, and I enjoyed messing about
Jefe's Loading screen pack 1b Many of the loading screen packs I've seen so far have featured the same high-res character art (published in the UT2004 fansite kit) prominently. I wanted to do something different, so I've made a set that features
*Distance Fog got in the way of the first screenshot just ignore it.* This is a REMAKE of CTF-TheWall by Sago007 or 008 which ever one he perfers, a horrible map in my opinion (sry) but it does have an interesting idea thus I decided to remake his
This is the Nighttime Second Edition of the original ONS-Grit. Changes include fog (3x better framerate), increased ammo at weapon lockers, different music, and various bug fixes. Look for ONS-Grit-SE (daytime) if you need a tan :) A peculiar dark
How to install Sandrokk:- First of all Sandrokk has been converted to umod format so you dont have to worry about long installations :) It will take 2 seconds, trust me ;) First of all follow these instructions: - 1) Find the umod, then dou