This is a level based off the TV series Stargate:SG-1, it includes 2 linked stargates, a wormhole effect, the stargate theme song, and much more, enjoy!
The second edition of DM-1on1-Orphanage (Hotlist ^_^).The title was too long, so I decided to change it a bit. The new version of map distinguishes from the older one by the totally changed lighting and colour spectrum. Also I have added a couple of
This mutator adds the element of Death Bombs to any gametype. Players, vehicles, and monsters are forced to carry bombs. A bomb is activated when its owner dies and is detonated by the owner's killer. There are currently 25 types of Death Bombs. Some
This mutator adds the element of Death Bombs to any gametype. Players, vehicles, and monsters are forced to carry bombs. A bomb is activated when its owner dies and is detonated by the owner's killer. There are currently 25 types of Death Bombs. Some
Description: Two Animated Robots [Artificial Lifeform] for UT2004 by Klasnic. Full 4 team gametype support and yes, they both glow in the dark ;) These characters were made for UT2004 and as with all my UT2004 stuff are unsupported and won't work
Remake of a popular Counter-Strike map. The area consists of a small house with some surrounding building. Map seems to have mostly a medium or long-range combat style.
Let me be the first to introduce you to the arborean world of Anasazi. Anasazi is a temple that was specially designed for spear fights and sword fights back in ancient times. Now in the modern day, this arena is still being used for fights. Minor